British Domestic Longhair

British Domestic Longhair

The British Longhair originates from...

This breed is known by many names, including the ‘Highland Straight,’ the ‘Britannica,’ and the ‘Highlander,’ although it is most popularly known as the British Longhair. The exact nature of the breed’s development is uncertain, although it is theorised that the Longhair evolved through interbreeding with Egyptian cats brought to Great Britain during the Roman invasion. Somewhere along the line a Persian was added to the mix, and this was to introduce the longhaired gene. Numbers of British Longhair diminished with the onset of WWII as much of the breeding stock was lost. It was thanks to the careful breeding efforts of various enthusiasts that the British Longhair did not disappear altogether, pairing domestic shorthairs with Persians and Russian Blues to resurrect the breed. Despite being a British breed, it remains fairly unknown in Great Britain today.

The British Longhair is characterised by...

The breed is highly distinctive in structure and appearance, possessing a short muzzle, rounded cheeks, large ovular eyes, a broad chest, short legs, and a tail that tapers ever so slightly. The coat is typically glossy and dense, mid to long-length, and observed in a variety of colours and patterning. The most common colours include white, cream, cinnamon, fawn, lilac, black, blue, and chocolate. The blue variation is the most popular, although most colours are permissible. The British Longhair has minimal grooming requirements, although it is necessary to run a brush through the coat every so often to maintain its condition and appearance. The coat thickens around autumn time in preparation for the cold months of winter, so enhanced grooming is essential at this time in order to avoid mattes and tangles.

The average British Longhair...

This breed is both affectionate and sociable, enjoying the company of its owners and family. It does not like taking a backseat when it comes to household activities and will muscle in if it thinks it is missing out! Owners have often described the breed as loyal and very lovable, making a great breed choice for families with young children. Other house pets will not unsettle the British Longhair but rather, will entertain it and provide valuable company. The British Longhair is best suited to indoor living due to its sedentary lifestyle. Generally speaking, a healthy Longhair will weigh 12 pounds, with an average life expectancy of 18-20 years.


When housed indoors, the British Longhair has a tendency to gain weight quickly, which can be detrimental to developing bones and to a cat’s general standard of health. Otherwise, the British Longhair is typically very healthy and long-lived.

Our British Domestic Longhair owners have uploaded 426 photos

Our British Domestic Longhair owners' thoughts

Added on 12/04/2017
Joined 11/04/2017
From East Sussex, United Kingdom

Sophie is very placid and talks all the time

Added on 03/03/2018
Joined 12/02/2018
From Midlothian, United Kingdom

Snooks was a present from my friend's she sleeps in the bed from the first day I got her and pal Felix sleeps on top of the bed she is a cheeky wee cat

Added on 27/05/2018
Joined 21/03/2016
From West Sussex, United Kingdom

Minny is our rescue cat. Shes very socialble & loves her toys. Grooming time is a pleasure, we do this daily & Minny just loves it.

Added on 02/08/2018
Joined 03/01/2018
From United Kingdom

My cat Sparky is 15years old and has an allergy to foxes..This hot weather has made him sleep outside and he has sores on his neck.I used frontline but it didnt suit him so changed to Advantage and it works well.

Added on 13/08/2019
Joined 22/08/2017
From Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Puddings daft playful full of life quirky personality for a cat often thinks she’s a human only drinks from the taps will try and shower with me bathe with me accompany me to the bathroom refuses to eat cat meat preferred diet of dry food tuna and scrambled eggs use advantage flea treatment and virbac / stronghold recommended by the vets drontal keeps her worm free fully neutered all though never had any interest in finding a mate ?? Before neutering

Added on 18/09/2019
Joined 11/09/2013
From Somerset, United Kingdom

Charactrful, likes to waited on - despite having a choice of two catflaps, in different parts of the house, prefers to request (very definitely) to have doors opened for her. She previously belonged to niece who, by nature of her work, moved around quite a lot and took the very loyal cat along too! When she was not able to take her to a 'live in' job, 'Mouse' (who does not have any identity isues, despite her name) joined our family, where she is a valued member and very reaxed and content.

Added on 05/12/2019
Joined 18/07/2018
From Northants, United Kingdom

Nero is a very large and heavy 7 month old Kitty and is twice the size of his sister, who is a year older than him.
For the love of god brush them daily. I didn't brush Nero for a week due to a back injury and couldn't lift him to the table to do it and his tail was a mess. Fur everywhere.
Other than that, Nero is a very sweet, cuddly, affectionate and social lad who likes meeting people and sniffing everything in sight. He loves his sister but she's not so keen now that he's twice her size and weight.