Everyone knows that when a dog wags their tail it's usually a sign they're enjoying themselves, but understanding cats isn't always such an easy prospect.

That's because felines are altogether more independent creatures, and despite the fact they're domesticated they've still maintained many of their wild characteristics.

Whether you see your furry friend stalking their way through the garden or staring at a pigeon through the window, you'll notice how their backs hunch, eyes narrow and tails straighten as they prepare to pounce.

This is where it's important to remember that they're descended from expert hunters, so all the prowling around and territorial behaviour is completely natural and instinctive.

It's also worth noting that cats communicate in a variety of ways, and these aren't limited to purring or hissing as felines can express their feelings with different body postures and even ear positions too.

If you occasionally feel a bit rejected by your furry friend and get the impression that they're only coming back home for their regular helping of cat food this is just another example of natural feline behaviour.

Indeed, cats are very independent animals and can be especially picky with their companions, but they also love to play so every now and again you might find them pawing away at your laces as you're trying to do up your shoes.

Encouraging such behaviour can be a fun way of spending some quality time with you feline companion, and it has various benefits for their development as it boosts their motor skills which come in handy when they're hunting.

Lastly it's always good to remember that cats love to nap, with the average domesticated feline spending between 12 and 18 hours a day asleep.

This is because cats need plenty of energy to react quickly whenever they detect prey, so don't be concerned if your furry friend likes to snooze for long periods of time during the day.

Written by: Hannah