While most dogs will happily chow down any food you give them, many pet owners find that cats can be rather particular with their tastes when it comes to dinner time.

However, while it's not uncommon for moggies to have favourite tastes and textures, if your cat is constantly turning their nose up at food and frequently refusing to eat it may be that you have a fussy eater on your hands.

But this doesn't mean that you should respond to their pickiness by feeding them scraps of human food or spending hours cooking them tasty meals, as it's usually possible to cure a fussy feline eater.

The first thing to do is to make sure you're feeding your pet a high quality product such as Iams or Hills cat food, because if they're being offered a sub-standard meal it's hardly surmising that your four-legged friend will turn their nose up.

Next, make sure that you're feeding your feline their cat food in an area where they have plenty of peace and quiet, as these animals tend to prefer to eat in private and may be put off if there's a lot going on around them.

It can also help to give your cat's bowl a good clean, as many felines will refuse to eat out of something that has old bits of food left in it or is a bit grubby.

If the refusal to eat has come on suddenly, it may be worth taking your cat to the vet to have their teeth checked, as it could be pain rather than fussiness that is making them leave their food.

Finally, don't spend ages coaxing and cooing over your moggie. Instead, if they refuse to eat take the bowl away and then replace it with some fresh food later. Most cats will give in and eat when they're really hungry, so sometimes taking a firm line can be the best policy.

Written by: Hannah