

The Greyhound originates from...

Unbeknownst to most, the Greyhound is one of the world's oldest and most historically referenced breeds. Dating back over 4000 years, the Greyhound features notably in the hieroglyphics of Egypt's ancient pyramids and in visuals and engravings of the time. Principally bred for laterally racing and coursing across the continent of Europe, historical analyses of DNA suggests that the true origin of the Greyhound derives from Celtic mainland Europe in the 5th and 6th century BCE. Greyhound rescue and adoption began on a large-scale in the 20th century, especially in North America where the breed experienced a resurgence in popularity as a family pet and companion.

The Greyhound is characterised by...

Whilst being one of the world's oldest canine breeds, it is by far the fastest on the planet. Easily recognised by its lean yet muscular build and elongated muzzle, the Greyhound has a disproportionately large heart, a high percentage of fast-twitch muscle and a flexible spine for changing direction at full speed. A Greyhound's fur is extremely short, maintaining a fine condition, and commonly recognised in colour variations of white, fawn, blue (grey), black and brindle. Due to 20th century large-scale rescue, there are currently more retired Greyhounds living in the home than there are still racing.

The average Greyhound...

Contrary to popular belief, the Greyhound is an amiable, relaxed and gentle breed, with a quiet temperament that enjoys regular human contact. The Greyhound is neither aggressive nor highly strung, but docile and dependable towards its owners. Compatible with children and other house pets when introduced to them gradually, the breed is low maintenance and makes a great addition to any home setting. Whilst there are discrepancies across gender, the average Greyhound will weigh between 24-30 kg, with a life expectancy of approximately 12 years when shown appropriate care.


Typically the Greyhound is a healthy, long-lived breed, however its unique physique makes it susceptible to certain health complaints. Greyhounds do not have undercoats and are subsequently more vulnerable to skin sores and irritation; they are particularly unsuited to the use of insecticides, particularly those that are pyrethrin-based. The Greyhound's lack of undercoat and general body fat makes the breed susceptible to extreme temperatures, so it is essential they are always housed indoors.

Our Greyhound owners have uploaded 252 photos

Our Greyhound owners' thoughts

Added on 16/11/2014
Joined 28/01/2014
From East Ayrshire, United Kingdom

Our Boogie is an ex raced, stunningly beautiful and so easy to love and look after. Adopting a greyhound was the best thing we did - did not know much about the breed before we had him, but would have another one grey if I could.

Added on 11/12/2014
Joined 11/12/2014
From Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

I have 3 ex racers at the moment and they are a fantastic breed to own.

Added on 30/10/2015
Joined 02/11/2011
From Kent, United Kingdom

Rollie is my 6th ex-racer I have had at home and they make wonderful pets. Just give them time to adapt and see the world and you will have the most faithful, loving friend for life!!

Added on 03/01/2016
Joined 27/01/2013
From Kent, United Kingdom

Currently we only have one greyhound, Cushtie, as we recently lost her mate Alfie. We always take ex racers, Cushtie is our 4th, and we try to keep them in pairs.
Incredibly loving, gentle, loyal they have all been 40mph couch potatoes. Some ex racers have a pretty tough start to life and spend 2 to 3, maybe 4 years in kennels, so a home can be a little confusing at first, but they soon settle and pick which sofa is theirs..... ;-)
The breed have a really endearing habit of bowing to you, and nothing melts my heart more 1st thing in the morning that Cushtie stretching out her front paws to give me her morning "bow" as a greeting.

Added on 09/08/2016
Joined 13/02/2019
From Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

I have adopted 7 greyhounds in total and one foster. I had Dobermanns in the past but as i got older and when my last Dobie passed over,i thought about rescuing a dog and i read up about the greyhound and it suited our lifestyle so we contacted Jodie at Castledon Greyhound rescue and she did a home check which we passed and invited us to visit the hounds at the kennels and we chose Max who was 7 years old and had only ever known kennels all his life and he kept getting left because of his age and his colour ,he was black ,but he spent 6 happy years with us and was our introduction to the breed, we then got Misty ,a blue brindle as a companion for Max and they got on very well, The greyhound makes an excellent pet ,only need 2 thirty minute walks per day,then they like to chill out. they very rarely bark,are good with children i'd say from 8 onwards as they can be very boisterous and excitable around children. I am completely besotted with greyhounds and wish i had a mansion so that I could rescue more ,as so many are looking for homes.

Added on 30/12/2016
Joined 30/12/2016
From Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Wonderful pets. Had Lurcher 1st who had lot of greyhound in him but also lovely naughty Saluki streak! Next a 12 yr old female grey who had suffered terribly. She was permanent foster, absolutely wonderful but after only 10 months bone cancer took her. This time have Isaac, 4 yr old from Ireland who had never been out of kennels, rescued by Paws Rescue in Ireland from a pound just before euthanasia and brought to me via Norfolk Greyhound Rescue who have been amazing.
Clean in home immediately, after 3 weeks, knows and responds to 3 commands, has 2 forty minutes walks and 15 min one b4 bed. I like to get some air then. Wouldn't change him for world!!!

Added on 02/04/2017
Joined 26/10/2010
From Lancashire, United Kingdom

I have a Spanish Greyhound - the breed name is Galgo - who I rescued.
She had been dumped at a shelter in Spain and moved from there to a shelter in Portugal. I Googled black greyhound and that is how I found the breed.
They are sleeker than the racing greyhounds in the UK - built more like a saluki. Their tails are very long and Jenny carries her tail up, waving round like a flag!
She wasn't 2 years old when I got her - all skin and bone off the transport. She slept for days afterwards and then her character started to show!
Jenny is a Diva! She cries if she is bored, or tired and when I wash her feet in a bowl full of nice warm water after a walk! Galgo's are long distance dogs, so I can be out for hours and she just keeps on going like a Duracell bunny! She is like my 2 whippets Bill and Jim who sleep a lot inbetween walks. She doesn't like the rain! But will go for a walk in it as long as she has her coat and snood on!
I adore her! I will definitely have another Galgo in the future. I could talk for hours about her funny ways - she makes me laugh every day. Adopt a Galgo - there are more than 50,000 dumped by hunters every year - and I found the lady at the rescue in Portugal got everything ready for me, including bathing Jenny before she set off on her journey to the UK. Jenny is so loving towards everyone and children too. I wouldn't trust her with small furries - she is very keen when we see cats but has learnt not to bark at them now. Galgos come in a range of colours - I wanted a black one after owning a black whippet as his hairs don't show on the floor, furniture and clothes like Bill the brindle'hairs do!
My life has changed for the better since Jenny has arrived :)

Added on 06/06/2017
Joined 10/06/2014
From United Kingdom

Poppy is my third Greyhound. She is loved by absolutely everyone she meets. She has no interest in chasing rabbits or cats. She just loves all other dogs even my friends little puppy climbing all over her and nibbling her doesn't phase her out. I would definitely recommend a Greyhound as a loving loyal pet.

Added on 05/07/2017
Joined 30/01/2013
From United Kingdom

I adopted my first greyhound Becky six months ago, after my previous dog Holly passed away .
Best thing I ever did, she is so gentle, good natured, great with people, children and other dogs. She is a real foodie, loves to sleep, enjoys gentle walks. She is an ex racer, and contrary to what most people think greyhounds do not require a lot of exercise. She's a real couch potato..
Greyhounds should come with a warning they're addictive! I may yet get another!

Added on 20/08/2017
Joined 23/04/2017
From West Midlands, United Kingdom

Ruby is my second greyhound after my first gorgeous fawn girl, Milly, sadly passed away after 10 happy years together. They are such loving and gentle hounds who are so easy to look after once they have settled in and feel safe. Ruby is 4 years old, she ran 46 races from a very young age (far too young- she started racing in Ireland aged only 12/18 months old) so you might imagine she's still adjusting to her new lifestyle. She has mastered the sleeping on her bed and on the sofa very quickly. She loves sleeping with her head on your lap. She's very nervous of traffic and any sudden noises on walks, it helps to have a canine companion for reassurance. I love her to bits and would have many more if I could. I highly recommend this wonderful breed as your next faithful and loving companion.

Added on 17/10/2017
Joined 17/10/2017
From United Kingdom

I have two retired greyhounds. They are my absolute world. Bee is 7 and my baby girl who is fiesty, adorable, funny and a proper diva. Bobby is my permanent foster who has Auto Immune Disease, he is in complete remission now and hopefully will stay that way for good. He us my cuddle bunny, so affectionate and a definite mummy's boy. These two are totally devoted to each other. I would never now gave one one their own. They learn from each other and grow together, love my babies so so much.

Added on 27/01/2018
Joined 27/01/2018
From Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

We adopted Meg a year ago & it has been the best decision we ever made & completed our move to the country. She only had 9 races & broke her wrist on her last race & was about to be euthanized at the track but in the nick of time was scooped up & taken to a branch of RGT to fix & recup. Luckily for us we went to meet her, fell in love & a week later brought her home!
She is off lead on many of our walks now & loves her flat out runs in the fields around us & then loves her sofa for the rest of the day!
Everyone needs a greyhound in their lives, they make the world a better place to be in ❤️

Added on 18/04/2018
Joined 14/07/2017
From Cornwall, United Kingdom

Our greyhound, Dudley, is an ex-racer and very lovable. He is 7 and unfortunately has developed arthritis, maybe due to an old racing injury. We are trying to get this under control with supplements and meds. It means he has shorter more frequent walks but that he seems happy with that. A very loving calm breed which never cease to amaze with the weird and wonderful sleep positions they adopt. They do really appreciate a nice sofa to stretch out on...the larger the better (sometimes they can be found curled up like a cat also). Dudley's most comical habit is peering around corners or doorways and when you turn around there's just a long pointy nose staring at you! Yes, a long nose, long, long legs and a big heart...sums him up.

Added on 31/05/2018
Joined 05/11/2015
From County Antrim, United Kingdom

You won't be sorry for giving a home to a greyhound, easy going great tempered dogs, who sleep away the day! Just be careful as one often leads to several ❤️

Added on 07/08/2018
Joined 07/08/2018
From West Midlands, United Kingdom

I have adopted three retired racing greyhounds over the years and have found them extremely loyal,affectionate and friendly especially Lottie , my present grey.,who is so full of love.

Added on 07/08/2018
Joined 07/08/2018
From West Midlands, United Kingdom

I have adopted three ex racing greyhounds over the years and have found them extremely loyal, affectionate and friendly. Lottie my present one will be 6years old on Saturday and so full of love. I would fully recommend the breed .

Added on 29/10/2018
Joined 19/10/2018
From East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Wefell inlove with the breed when visiting the stand at the Great Yorkshire Show and couldn't wait to get one. Our first on was Loulou. Our beautiful girl til the day shedied from a brain bleed. Ge within 24 hours. Bee our current girl is again black and white. She has manic plays racing around our somewhat smallliving room. But who cares. She loves us and we love her right back. Currently, we are having to try to help her through the Fireworks. I have had other breeds before and loved them but greyhounds are now The breed.

Added on 17/11/2018
Joined 06/11/2015
From Northumberland, United Kingdom

monty is an ex irish racer he was 5.5 yrs old when we got him from rescue and lived in kennels all his life. he soon adapted to home life and is a gentle much loved dog who is good with children and other dogs. He has had little contact with cats but would give chase given the chance.He is happy to sleep much of the day provided he gets his walks. He is our second greyhound and i would highly recomend them as a family pet.

Added on 29/12/2018
Joined 29/12/2018
From Essex, United Kingdom

Charlie is an 8 year old greyhound an ex racer. He retired at age 5. I have had him 18 months now and is my first greyhound and first dog as an adult. He is so laid back now. Only needs short walks of 20mins twice a day but he's happy to go out for longer if I have more time. Spends most of the time sleeping. This was his first real home after being in kennels all his life. Took Charlie a little while to settle in and get used to everything which was alien to him. I wouldn't swap him for the world.

Added on 16/01/2019
Joined 01/10/2018
From Devon, United Kingdom

Rescue greyhounds make excellent pets. They are generally calm dogs with a lovely energy. Contrary to popular belief, they do not need massive amounts of exercise. Shadow has one good walk a day in the winter and sometimes has to be coaxed out of his bed in the morning! He loves to do zoomies round a field and has amazing speed in short bursts. Greyhounds do have a reputation for having delicate digestion and it is a bit of a trick to find the right diet. He loves cheese! and a tin of sardines in tomato sauce is one of his favourite treats. He is affectionate and gentle with our grandchildren, in fact has a special bond with our grandson which is lovely to see. They are quite big dogs but not especially clumsy although they have a habit of standing in doorways when you want to get through! Shadow is alovely part of the family.

Added on 16/02/2019
Joined 11/01/2019
From London , United Kingdom

I researched greys before i got them. I'm arthritic and need a dog with a gentle disposition who didn't need a lot of exercise . Morgan came to us at 8.2weeks from show stock a real character even that young . His brother came to us for fostering ( maybe because of flat feet so no good for showing )at 16months and we decided to keep him after only 2days of fostering. He's so different from his rambunctious brother,more loving, huggy a bit timid and very lazy but very trusting of us and others now. They are now 2.6 years old.
Everyone should have a greyhound,they're loving and very faithful and loyal.
Morgan & Rex are very lazy boys who wo sleep for hours at a time if you let them. They can also hold their bladder for very long periods. Great for long journeys. I have to shake them outof bed in the morning for dog business and breakfast usually around 8 or 9. Longer if i let them.
Their love of food and cuddles is legandry,we cannot leave anything edible lying around .
They don't need a lot of exercise only 2 half hour walks a day plus a very short flat out run about two or three times a week and of course play time with toys at home.
They dont like extremes in weather conditions and need to be kept warm on cold walks and have cool early morning walks or late evening ones.
Like others i wish i was able to get more greys this time rescue ones who need to be in homes where love is plentiful and they can put up their legs and become true couch potatoes while roching and lazing dreaming of chasing rabbits.
These are delightful dogs and are now my breed of choice.

Added on 29/03/2019
Joined 03/09/2016
From Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Having greyhound is brilliant . I have had my bess for 8 years and she has just turned 11. Love her to bits. Would highly recommend a greyhound as a family pet.

Added on 30/09/2019
Joined 14/04/2019
From Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

i have 2 black Greyhounds Annie is now over 10 years old very loyal and mothers the male who is 7 years old they now run when they want to if they run fkat out they come staight back to me then its home and sleep rest of day lovely dogs this is my second pair.

Added on 15/11/2019
Joined 24/04/2018
From Wiltshire, United Kingdom

I have had sight hounds for many years but Dotty is the first pure grey. She was extremely nervous when I had her at about 2.5 years and is now 13.5 years old. She took a long time to become relaxed around people but is now a cuddle bug and, like other grey owners, they are THE breed as so loving and kind. I hope to always have at least one grey.

Added on 02/07/2020
Joined 06/08/2011
From Cornwall, United Kingdom

Adopted my very large brindle exracing greyhound 7 months ago. Actually he chose me! He has fitted in well to home life and is learning to retrieve a tennis ball and
have mad play times with his toys. He loves his walks
and is responding well to training, learning not to get
too excited if he spies a cat or squirrel! He is very
affectionate and sympathetic towards me and my husband and is a real therapy dog. Adores being
stroked and cuddled and loves his food. This breed is the best.

Added on 17/05/2021
Joined 14/04/2019
From Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Yell is my 3rd greyhound female i allways have male & female they are very loving clever and lazy the male will only go out twice in a day but if you say car they are up & ready to go the female spends most of the day upside down they say it means they are content with there home they make lovely pets mine are with me 24/4/7 unless i go away then they go back to their racing kennels with mine a bonus is they do not much when they do you have a look

Added on 15/03/2022
Joined 15/03/2022
From East Yorkshire,, United Kingdom

You ask "What are they like?" and I answer:- THE BEST

Added on 19/03/2022
Joined 25/11/2021
From West Midlands, United Kingdom

I have May, who retired at only two due to injury which doesn’t affect her as a pet. She’s quite a character and clever, always 5/5 at finding hidden treats. She’s very gentle too. May is not a typical greyhound in that she loves being out and about and gets two hours exercise every day, though shorter if she has a run. She comes to call in a safe space. She is the most wonderful, easy companion.