Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever originates from...

Believed to have been developed by Lord Tweedmouth in the late 1800s, the Golden Retriever has its roots in the Scottish Highlands where it was selectively bred for the purposes of hunting, tracking and retrieving upland game, as its name would suggest. By crossing the original flat-coated Retriever with the Tweed Water Spaniel - a breed that is now extinct - the Golden Retriever came into existence, possessing a versatility unmatched by any other canine breed. Despite the general belief in Lord Tweedmouth's claim to the Retriever, analysis of paintings, studbooks and related sources suggests that the breed was in existence long before the 1800s. Today, the modern Golden Retriever is widely considered one of the most popular breeds, not only as a companionable house dog but in obedience, service and therapy.

The Golden Retriever is characterised by...

Easily identifiable for its wavy golden coat, the Retriever is medium-sized with a straight muzzle, large brown eyes, feathering on ears, back of legs, underside of tail and front of neck. The dense, double-coat is common in colour variations of rich gold and cream. Due to its keen senses, gentle temperament and adaptability, the modern Golden Retriever is utilised in various services, including search and rescue, animal-assisted therapy, arson and drug detection and as a guide dog for the blind. As with all retrievers, the Golden Retriever loves water, whether in a pool, lake or the sea.

The average Golden Retriever...

Highly trainable, the breed is the ideal choice for the modern family or dedicated sole owner. Whilst a Golden Retriever might make a good watch dog, alerting its owner to the presence of a stranger, its capacity to guard is easily matched due to the breed's inherent love of people. Compatible with children and other domestic animals, the Golden Retriever is affectionate, loyal, obedient and fun-loving, making a great addition to any home setting. On average, a Golden Retriever will weigh 27-40 kg depending on its gender, with a life expectancy of 10-12 years when shown the appropriate care.


Breed-specific health complaints include hip dysplasia, skin allergies and congenital eye defects. More serious ailments specific to the Retriever include von Willebrand's disease - a bleeding disorder, heart disease and cancer, with the Golden Retriever being particularly prone to developing mast-cell tumours. Procuring weight easily, the feeding of human foods is not encouraged for this breed as even the smallest amount of excess fat can lead to detrimental weight gain.

Our Golden Retriever owners have uploaded 557 photos

Our Golden Retriever owners' thoughts

Added on 28/07/2014
Joined 26/06/2013
From South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

I've been owned by two beautiful funny beautiful bracken who sadly died two years ago from cancer of the spleen and my gorgeous super clever talisman or tal as we call him now three months away from being 13!hes still funny and active gentle and kind but def no guard dog!love them and what lovely photos x

Added on 14/12/2014
Joined 26/03/2010
From Somerset, United Kingdom

I have 2 big boys, Sam & Barney, 5 & 6 years. They are a delight and make us laugh every day. They adore water and especially MUDDY water so not dogs for the house proud. I would never have another breed. I absolutely love them to bits.

Added on 19/10/2015
Joined 31/05/2015
From Essex, United Kingdom

I have 2 golden Retrievers one 8 years and the other 19 weeks. One a rich dark golden and the other cream. They are beautiful, loving and very kind. I lost my last 2 goldens last year but they both lived to 14 years old. I cannot think of my life without them they are my children.

Added on 06/04/2016
Joined 06/04/2016
From Hampshire, United Kingdom

Brinkley is my world - I love him with all my heart and he is my soul mate. He absolutely loves people, including the vet, goes crazy for some fuss and attention, and has a naughty sense of humor. He needs regular exercise, and can't be left for long periods of time and loves eating, muddy puddles, rolling cow pat, and the sea!
Goldies need 100% commitment and if you don't have time to give that to them, I suggest you think again about getting one. The effort any owner puts in to raising their dog, will be paid back in spades with a happy, contented and well-adjusted dog.

Added on 21/12/2016
Joined 21/12/2016
From West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

I have two beautiful Goldies who are adorable and my world. They are completely different personalities my eldest is 11 and a princess my youngest is 3 and is a cheeky monkey.

Added on 05/04/2017
Joined 06/11/2015
From Essex, United Kingdom

I have owned, bred, shown this gorgeous breed since the mid 1970's they are in my opinion the perfect pet

Added on 03/07/2018
Joined 24/05/2016
From Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Heidi is our 3rd goldie, our other ones were Jasmine and a rescue we called Elsa, they're temperament is 2nd to none and they are the most adorable friendly family dogs. They adore children and just about anything and anyone, life is for living is there Moto and you can positively see a goldie always smiling, if you choose one you will be hooked for life

Added on 03/07/2018
Joined 03/07/2018
From Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom

Gorgeous they are gentle giants, very loyal and very child friendly, very intelligent, Molly is just a family pet not used for working, she loves water and her pedigree name is daydream SWIMSEEKER! Beautiful dogs only down side is Molly sheds twice a year and that's a lot of fur but she makes well worth while, very spoilt and very much lived pet, would definitely recommend as a family pet xx

Added on 26/09/2018
Joined 26/09/2018
From Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Flokki is a very clever and active youngster at near two years old. Loves to be cuddled up with me on the sofa watching tv or dreaming. He just loves water anywhere including the smallest muddy puddles. He is funny and friendly to people and other dogs. He’s cream with a long silky flat coat. He needs lots of grooming and towelling so if you want an easy care dog this is not the easiest breed. Worth all the effort cause he makes us happy.

Added on 24/10/2018
Joined 31/05/2015
From Essex, United Kingdom

I have just welcomed my 3rd golden retriever pup in to our family. He is gorgeous but a little pickle. Definitely needs training. Very strong willed. So full of character and very handsome.

Added on 09/11/2018
Joined 28/09/2018
From United Kingdom

My boy has so much loving he loves nothing more than sitting on my knee ( I think he thinks he is a wee dog -:)
Loves water and just like the rest of the Goldies He loves to have a good Dig or roll in some lovely smelly mud!!
But saying all that I love every boy in his body ❤️🐶

Added on 02/01/2019
Joined 02/01/2019
From Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Uber cuddlers

Added on 08/01/2019
Joined 24/08/2009
From Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Best breed ever for a family, friendly & relaxed, just love to be with you, whether it's walking or chilling. Would only ever have Goldies now, they really are special

Added on 06/08/2019
Joined 23/11/2018
From Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

We own a Golden Retriever(Darcey) that was trained by us ,as puppy walkers for Guide Dogs.
Unfortunately she did not make the grade as she was too sensitive , and we had the option to keep her. She is now nine and a half and has arthritis in her front leg which she is now on medication from Violet.
She is a lovely dog and has had a great life with us and hopefully for some more years to come.

Added on 22/09/2019
Joined 20/08/2016
From Cheshire, United Kingdom

Bear is our first golden retriever puppy he’s 6 months old now he has filled our hearts and lives with joy.
He’s an absolute character he has a thing for water the muddier the better and digging our gorgeous garden which has well and truly been Beared!
We love him to bits

Added on 21/03/2020
Joined 04/08/2015
From Argyll and Bute, United Kingdom

You don't own a Golden Retriever, your life is run by one. They are lovable, cuddly, headstrong, and with a beautiful facial expression that melts your heart. They tell you they don't want to walk any further by place 4 feet firmly on the ground with that look that says, 'You go for a walk if you like but I'm not moving from here, so there!' And so you have to turn back, by which time your lovable pet is halfway back to the car (as long as it's safe to do so).
Abbie is our third Golden Retriever and we have loved them all equally, despite them having very different characters. We just cannot imagine life without her as she is never more that two steps away from us. We love her so much.

Added on 22/03/2020
Joined 22/03/2020
From West Midlands, United Kingdom

We have had three Godies the Latest Shadow has been an handful strong willed very excitable.
Afte four years he is showing signs of becoming laid back and is growing into a beautiful boy

Added on 28/01/2021
Joined 12/10/2015
From Kent, United Kingdom

Amber is my 4th Goldie. Each and everyone have been totally different. Amber is very bright, but very stubborn. Be prepared for a whirling dervish as a pup, posing as a landscape gardener and demolition expert. They never lose their love of life, and are ready for any new adventure. In return you get unconditional love and the best friend you will ever have.

Added on 19/08/2021
Joined 19/08/2021
From Kent, United Kingdom

Hollie is my first Goldie. She is very beautiful and loving she loves being with us and being part of the family. She can be very stubborn but we still find that cute! She is very chilled out, the best breed of dog ever. She is never any trouble and the most friendly dog in the world! Always welcomes anyone who comes to the house with a toy in her mouth and a wagging tail!

Added on 27/06/2022
Joined 02/01/2016
From Worcestershire, United Kingdom

I have owned 4 Golden Retrievers and I would never be without them as they are so loving, very playful, making you laugh with their antics.
Golden Retrievers are wonderful and beautiful.