With covid and government restrictions not quite a distance memory yet, many of us are still opting for UK-based trips, with ‘staycations’ becoming the new foreign getaway.

For those of you who favour the UK holiday anyway, you’ve probably got all the gear you need for camping or caravanning with pets, but for those who are fairly new to it, we’ve rounded up some of our ‘must-have’ staycation essentials which we think should make it into your suitcase this summer!

Travel safety

Think about how you’re going to transport your pet to your holiday destination. If it’s by car, have you got a suitable solution for keeping them safe and secure on the road? There are several options for car travel, including crates, safety belts and back-seat/boot hammocks for keeping your dog safely in place.

We recommend:

Henry Wag Pet Car Hammock

Sotnos Universal Seatbelt Restraint

Prestige Pet Products Road Refresher Non Spill Dog Water Bowl


Whatever your staycation involves, whether camping, caravanning or staying in a cottage or house, your pet will need a comfy place to sleep. You might prefer to take their bed or crate from home to help them settle into their new environment quickly and comfortably. Alternatively, you might want an additional bed which is reserved for holidays only.

Take a look:

Dog Beds

Cat Bedding

Other essentials

There are many other things to think about when staycationing with your pet and what you take will largely depend on the type of trip you're making. If it's a beach break, then your dog will be getting sandy and wet, so towels, grooming supplies and shampoos, and even a warm coat will be needed. For camping, a snug bed and blankets are advisable, and even a ground stake for securing your dog outside. If you are doing a walking holiday, then a waterproof jacket and portable water bowl would be useful things to have.

We recommend:

Danish Design Towelling Dog Robe

Ancol Stormguard Fleece-lined dog coat

Hi-Travel First Aid Kit

Rosewood Collapsible Travel Bottle

We offer a wide range of accessories for car and travel, as well as essentials for walking and keeping your pet warm. If there's anything else you're looking for, please don't hesitate to get in touch with [email protected] and the team will point you in the right direction. All that's left to say is - 'happy holidays!'

Written by: Adam