Tara Palmer-Tomkinson in need of dog chew toys?

Tuesday, 5th April 2011

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson may be in need of dog chew toys after the socialite revealed that her pooch chewed up her invite to the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

The 39-year-old revealed that the invite was sent to her parent's house out in the country, where the family pooch was ready and waiting.

She told Hello! magazine: "My invitation was sent to my parents' home in the country.

"Unfortunately, our family dog has a thing about the post and of all the letters he could have got his teeth into, he went for the royal one, so it's got a corner missing."

Ms Palmer-Tomkinson also revealed that she will not be bringing a date to the royal wedding, which is set to take place on April 29th.

The Palmer-Tomkinson family have had a long association with the royal family. Charles, Tara's father, is a former Olympic skier who instructed Prince Charles.