Pick up dog toys from the garden to help prevent lungworm, expert says.

Thursday, 5th April 2012

People should make sure they pick up dog toys from the garden in the evening in order to prevent their pet from getting lungworm, an expert has said.

Luke Gamble, a TV vet who runs a mixed-practice surgery in the New Forest, explained that lungworm is spread by slugs and snails, and that warm and wet climates mean more of these garden dwellers can be around to spread the disease.

He said there are a number of things owners can do to help prevent their dog from catching it.

"Picking up garden toys that have been left out overnight is a really good idea, or changing the water bowl that might have been left outside. We're not talking about the really big slugs, often it's the tiny little ones, the ones the size of a five pence piece, that they can accidentally ingest, " he said.

Dr Gamble added that lungworm is on the increase and it can be prevented with a spot-on treatment from the vet.