Nominations for National Cat Awards will close May 31st

Wednesday, 16th May 2012

People who think their cat deserves more than just pet toys and treats may want to enter them into the National Cat Awards 2012.

Nominations for the competition, run by Cats Protection, will close on May 31st, so doting owners are being urged to get their entries in before this date.

There are four categories people can enter. The Hero Cat is one who has saved the day; the Best Friends award is for a cat who has improved the quality of human life; the Most Incredible Story is for a cat who has had a remarkable experience; and the Outstanding Rescue Cat is for a cat that has been adopted.

Peter Hepburn, Cats Protection’s chief executive, said: "These awards highlight how cats make wonderful pets and enhance people’s quality of life so it was important they were opened up to honour all the nation’s cats.

"The stories we hear on a daily basis never fail to demonstrate the benefits cats bring to their owners."

The winners will be invited to a glamorous awards ceremony in London in August, where celebrities will present the accolades.