It is important to maintain a dog's coat in the winter, says vet

Thursday, 13th January 2011

It is important to regularly maintain a dog's coat during the winter months, according to a vet.

Bonnie Kane, owner of Royal Pet Grooming at Lake and Lyndale, revealed that some pet owners allow their dog's coat to continue to grow during the cold weather in a bid to keep them warm.

However, Ms Kane expressed her belief that this can have a negative effect on the dog's fur, with matting likely among those with long hair.

She told the Southwest Minneapolis Patch: "Some owners think a longer coat is better in the winter, but many dogs mat, and when that happens it blocks air circulation to the skin.

"If they have too many mats it's like wearing too many sweaters. They can get hot. You can use people or pet detangler to deal with mats, or just make sure they stay brushed and trimmed."

Dogs can develop health conditions if they are kept inside for long periods of time so Ms Kane advised pet owners to purchase a humidifier for the home to combat this.