Dog rescued after falling through icy reservoir

Tuesday, 7th February 2012

People have been advised to keep their pet on its dog collar and lead while out walking near frozen ponds, lakes or reservoirs.

This is because a black Labrador had a lucky escape after it fell through a frozen reservoir and had to be rescued by its owner in an inflatable dinghy, reports STV.

The animal was out with its owner when it ran over the Threipmuir Reservoir near Edinburgh. Fire crews and the Pentland Hill Ranger Service were called but the owner managed to rescue the animal before the service arrived.

A spokeswoman for the Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service told the news provider: “It is important to stay well clear of frozen bodies of water, they are unsafe. There is no way of knowing whether the ice will hold and it is very easy to get into difficulties very quickly.

"The risk of people or animals falling through the ice will greatly increase as the weather improves and the ice thaws."

The service added that it is also a good idea to stay away from iced over bodies of water during the cold weather.