Stock up on pet food this winter

Thursday, 3rd February 2011

UK consumers should stock up on pet food this winter, it has been claimed.

Jessica Carreras, writing for the Dearborn Patch website, expressed her belief that many pets and their owners could be left without food if they unable to go to the shops due to bad weather.

She claimed that many homeowners are unprepared for the effects of being snowed in and should ensure they have essential items such as "milk, eggs, soup and dog food".

"So in the interest of staying safe and warm and avoiding the roads whenever possible, take inventory of your groceries and hop down to your local grocery store before the snow hits," she wrote.

Ms Carreras added that consumers should also stock up on essential items to combat the effects of a blizzard such as a shovel, ice scraper, petrol, warm clothes and a fully-charged mobile phone.