Pet health tracker set to hit the market

Monday, 4th February 2013

Unfortunately we aren’t all dog whisperers or Dr Doolittle, which can make it very tricky for pet owners to know how their animals are feeling or realise when something is not quite right.

However, a new product called PetPace, which is currently being tested in a number of pet hospitals, could be about to change all that by allowing people to track their animals’ behaviour in detail in order to gain a better insight into the state of their health.

The product fits onto a pet’s collar and records data relating to movement, respiration, temperature and pulse, sending a message to the owner via email or text message if any abnormalities or irregularities are detected.

With new pet health technology coming out all the time, owners should not become distracted from the basic needs of their animals, which include a balanced, healthy diet of high quality pet food, access to the appropriate pet medication when they become ill, and regular trips to the vet in order to keep them in good shape.