Hero saves dog from car before it burst into flames

Friday, 18th May 2012

A man from West Lothian has been praised for his heroic efforts after pulling a dog from a car moments before it burst into flames.

Dan White, noticed smoke coming from Ciara Hartley's car. Ms Hartley’s brakes had failed and the car had crashed.

She had managed to get herself and her one-year-old daughter out, but Jack Russell Izzy was trapped inside.

Mr White said: "I work from home so I had gone out for a drive to clear my head when I saw Ciara and loads of smoke coming from her car.

"I stopped to see if I could help and she told me about the dog, so I went and got her."

Moments later, the car burst into flames. Ms Hartley said that Mr White was a "real hero" and that she would not have known what to do without him.

A spokeswoman from the Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue said that they would not recommend people risk their own safety for a pet, but were pleased that this situation ended way.