Half of felines in US eat too much cat food

Wednesday, 23rd February 2011

A number of owners in the US may be feeding their pets too much cat food or dog food, as a new survey reveals that over half of these pets are overweight.

This year's National Pet Obesity Awareness Day Study by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), reveals that 53 per cent of cats and 55 per cent of dogs were overweight or obese.

Dr Ernie Ward, founder of APOP, This year's data suggests that our pets are getting fatter. We're seeing a greater percentage of obese pets than ever before.

"This is troubling because it means more pets will be affected by weight-related diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney disease costing pet owners millions in avoidable medical costs."

Dr Ward added that the growing obesity rates could lead to owners forking out more on pet medication.

He concluded that owners need to provide a better diet and more exercise for their four-legged friends.