83% of owners 'not concerned' about feeding their pooch too much dog food

Wednesday, 23rd March 2011

Over eight in ten (83 per cent) pet owners are not concerned about giving their pooch or moggy too much cat or dog food.

That is according to research by Petplan, which revealed this statistic following its Petplan Pet Census 2011.

The pet insurance specialist claims that this figure shows that owners need guidance on healthy feeding practices for their pets.

Findings of the census also showed that Brits share a very close bond with their pets, with 65 per cent feeling that their pet is more reliable than their partner or children.

It also revealed that 66 per cent of pet owners would take in a stray if it appeared in their garden.

Alison Andrew, head of marketing at Petplan, said: "Pets play an enormous role in their owners' lives. In many cases they can have the same impact on an owner as a human influence.

"Despite criticism that we are an uncaring society, the fact that 23 per cent of pet owners take compassionate leave when a pet passes, shows that pets and owners share a very close and empathetic bond."