Weymouth pup survives 70 ft fall

Monday, 14th March 2011

A dog from Weymouth has survived a 70 ft fall off a cliff in Weymouth and is now getting better with the help of pet medication.

Paul Hoskins was walking his five-year-old pooch Diva on Redcliff Point near Weymouth when she slipped over the edge, reports the Dorset Echo.

Mr Hoskins is now calling for warning signs to be erected as he claims there have been a number of landslides on the cliffs and tufts of grass that give way.

He told the news provider: "She was very lucky and it was because she is young. She's now sleeping for much of the day because of her medication.

"With the summer coming, more people are going to be walking their dogs there and if they have got an older dog they're probably not going to be so lucky."

In the fall, Diva damaged some of her tendons and broke a bone in her paw. The vet put a splint on her leg and she will have to keep this on for eight to ten weeks.