October is the month of fleas

Monday, 22nd October 2012

It ‘s starting to get cold outside, and inside many of us will be turning the central heating on indoors to compensate – potentially with unexpected results for pet owners.

According to telegraph.co.uk vet Pete Wedderburn, October is the month of the year when flea problems reach their peak nationwide.  Serious infestations could require a household flea spray or an individual treatment for animals such as Frontline – owners should not hesitate to consult their vet if the problem arises.

As Mr Wedderburn explains in his blog, only five per cent of fleas actually live on the pets they feed on – 95 per cent make their homes in carpets and furnishings. Eggs and flea larvae can be left behind even after the adult flea population has been terminated, meaning a repeat could be on the cards as household temperatures rise and the flea life cycle speeds up.