Great Dane becomes face of new PDSA campaign

Tuesday, 1st May 2012

A Great Dane has become the face of a new fundraising campaign being run by the PDSA, called the Sponsor Me Better campaign.

Juno, a five-year-old from Dundee, was diagnosed with a serious heart condition last year and he now needs pet meds to stay healthy.

The campaign that Juno now fronts allows animal lovers to sponsor pets that need long-term care for life-threatening illnesses.

Anne Miller, Juno’s owner, said: "Juno has to take a multitude of tablets every day, and will need these for the rest of his life. I was so relieved when PDSA said they could help him. The vets and nurses have been absolutely fantastic. I don't know how I would afford his treatment without their help, if it wasn’t for PDSA, Juno wouldn't be here now."

Ms Miller added that Juno is very popular with locals and gets lots of attention, so she is hoping that some of them may help the PDSA by sponsoring Juno’s medication.

Andy Cage, senior veterinary surgeon for the PDSA in Dundee, noted that Juno suffers from Cardiomyopathy. He said that this disease can remain symptomless for months, so it is important for owners to get it checked when symptoms appear.

Symptoms of Cardiomyopathy include breathlessness, excessive drinking, coughing, weight loss and exercise intolerance.