Dog's foot saved after accident

Tuesday, 24th January 2012

A dog's foot was saved with the help of pet medication and some stitches after it was badly cut in a park accident.

Buffy the dog was bleeding a lot so her owners, who could not afford the treatment from the vets, took her to the Blue Cross in Merton.

Staff at the charity took the dog in and found a tear in her foot. They stitched the wound and put a dressing on it and Buffy was given painkillers and antibiotics to go home with.

However, the wound got sore and inflamed and needed treatment every day for the next two weeks, flushing the wound and changing the dressing every day.

Becky Dawe, deputy head nurse, said: "It was a real team effort treating Buffy but we had to do everything we could to save her leg.

"Everyone, including the owner and Buffy, were really happy because in the end she didn’t need a skin graft, her foot healed beautifully on its own."