Culloden owners urged to be vigilant following death of two cats

Friday, 13th July 2012

Pet owners in Culloden, Scotland, have been urged to be vigilant after two cats died from what is thought to be antifreeze poisoning.

Both incidents happened between July 4th and 5th in Hazel Avenue and the cats had to be put down after becoming very ill.

Andy Brown, senior inspector for the Scottish SPCA, explained that they do not know if the poisonings were deliberate or if someone had just spilt antifreeze when servicing their car.

However, five cats have now died in the area from poisoning, so they charity cannot rule out the possibility that someone has left antifreeze out on purpose to harm animals.

He said: "There is obviously a source somewhere nearby and we want pet owners to be aware of the potential danger.

"Pet owners in the area should be vigilant when letting their cats out of the house and should supervise their animals where possible."

Antifreeze is a common cause of animal poisoning as it has a sweet taste that appeals to cats and dogs.

Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting and lethargy. In the later stages, animals will shake their heads and can fall into a coma.

The cause of death is often renal failure following damage to the kidneys, brain, liver and blood vessels.