Cat put down after trap amputates feet

Monday, 28th November 2011

A cat from Wigan was put down after it returned home with both of its feet amputated from getting caught in a trap.

The vet told the Thomas family that it could be operated on and given pet medication, but they decided to have the cat put down as she would have had to live with no back legs, reports

Stephen Thomas told the news provider: "On Tuesday evening, Maisy came home in a horrible state. Her feet were missing and there was blood everywhere, it was just appalling to see.

"She had managed to drag herself home from wherever she was but she must have been in so much pain."

The family is now urging people to think before setting traps that can cause these injuries to animals. It is thought that the trap could have been in a farmer's field.

Traps are often set in order for people to stop damage to their personal property, such as to prevent livestock being killed by predatory animals.