New York Dog Show gets underway

Tuesday, 12th February 2013

One of the world's most prestigious dog shows has begun in New York, with pets being entered from all over the world.

The 13th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show kicked off at a number of exhibition halls in Manhattan yesterday (February 11th), where judges cast their eye over hundreds of entries in order to decide the best in each breed.

The winners will then go on to compete for the overall Best in Show prize at Madison Square Garden, which will be decided by senior judge Michael Dougherty of the Westminster Kennel Club.

Dogs have been entered from all 50 US states, including Hawaii and Alaska, while more than 100 pets have also been entered from around the world, coming from countries as far apart as Brazil and Japan.

While many dogs enjoy competing, owners should be careful not to push their pet into any situation they are not totally comfortable with, and should always bear in mind that an animal's happiness and wellbeing comes before the pursuit of glory.