Globe-hopper: Intrepid rabbit is Britain's most travelled pet

Wednesday, 6th March 2013

Everyone likes looking back over their old holiday snaps, and one mini lop rabbit from Scotland will certainly have no shortage of photos to reminisce over, having posed for pictures in a whole host of destinations.

Jared the bunny has been touring Scotland for the past three years with his owner, Korrasut Khopuangklang, who is currently studying law in Edinburgh.

Transport is never a problem, as Jared is perfectly happy to go without a hutch and just perch in the basket of Mr Khopuangklang's bike or on the passenger seat of a car, and has now seen all of Scotland's most famous sights including the Isle of Skye, Dunblane and Edinburgh Castle.

Jared has been described by his owner as the perfect model for photographs, due to the fact that "he loves to sit still" and is "very patient".

Mr Khopuangklang also insists that his pet "loves travelling" and is now toying with the idea of a trip down to London to see Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, although he admits "that might be too far for him".