Welsh family celebrates ‘miraculous’ recovery of pet Chihuahua

Friday, 30th November 2012

A family in Wales have been given an early Christmas present after their pet dog made a 'miraculous' recovery from an unfortunate accident.

Like many owners, Lisa Havelock of the small village of Barmouth in Cambria chose to let her new puppy sleep Mary in her bed for the first few weeks.

One night, however, she rolled over and accidentally crushed the tiny Chihuahua, causing a potentially fatal break in the dog's delicate neck.

According to local vets, even if Mary the dog did survive, she would only be able to enjoy a '30 per cent quality of life', the Cambrian News reports, making the pup's full recovery even more remarkable.

Speaking to the newspaper, Ms Havelock said "[when] the vets told us the Mary was better and she would be allowed home, it was amazing, it has got to be a miracle".

Meanwhile, in Plymouth, the local Herald newspaper has reported how staff at the city’s Veterinary Hospital have given the 2012 Braveheart Award to a three-year-old spaniel for her brave tolerance of months’ worth of treatment for a respiratory illness.