Pup feeds baby ligers in China

Tuesday, 24th May 2011

A pup in China may well be in need of a bit of additional dog food after becoming the surrogate mum to a pair of ligers.

The two ligers, which are a cross between a lion and a tiger, were rejected by their mother in Xixiakou Wildlife Zoo in east China's Shandong province, reports the Metro.

However, as the dog had recently given birth to her own offspring, she allowed the two abandoned cubs to feed from her too.

This follows news that a dog from San Francisco has adopted two baby rabbits it found on a dirt pile.

The owner of Koa the Labrador, Tina Chase, told the news provider: "Koa is like their surrogate mother. They hop all over her and always find their way to the crook of her leg and find warmth and shelter.

"Koa has never been a mother so she thinks these are her puppies."