Pooch wins dog food in Pet of the Year competition

Wednesday, 20th July 2011

A pooch has won a big bag of dog food after being named the Bedfordshire Pet Dog of the Year.

Dotty, an 18-month-old Jack Russell, won the competition on Saturday (July 16th) and was presented with a 12kg bag of dog food, while her owner Lorna Smith, was given the Michelle Wiltshire Memorial Trophy.

The pooch was judged to be the happiest, healthiest and friendliest dog by judge Sue Malster.

Patricia Gregory, from the Central Bedfordshire Canine Trust, which organises the annual competition, said: "It was yet another great and nail biting final to the annual Central Bedfordshire Pet Dog of the Year Competition.

"It is a great, fun competition which really showcases local pet dogs."

She added that all of the winners did very well.

This is the first year that the competition has taken place and it was held in the main arena of the Houghton Regis Carnival.