Owners urged not to mix bacon grease with dog food

Thursday, 3rd February 2011

Owners should not mix bacon grease with dog food, it has been claimed.

Melinda Sarte, a vet at VCA Greenhaven Animal Hospital in Sacramento, California, revealed that many consumers wrongly believe that adding bacon grease to their dog's meal will improve the quality of its coat and give it more shine.

However, this is a "dangerous misconception", according to the vet, as a high fat diet can result in numerous health problems.

She wrote on Valcom News: "A meal containing high levels of fat, grease, oil or spices will often trigger gastrointestinal upset severe enough to require a trip to the vet. It can even trigger a life-threatening and painful disease called pancreatitis.

"Dogs and cats should never be feed rich or spicy foods such as gravy, chicken skin, barbeque sauce, hamburgers or pork chops."

Dr Sarte added that many pet owners also mistakenly believe that their pets are ill if they have a dry nose when this is not the case.