Greyhound visits PM to raise awareness of dogs helping kid’s read

Monday, 28th May 2012

A Greyhound visited 10 Downing Street to raise awareness of the benefits of children reading to dogs.

Danny visited the famous address to launch the book Danny Goes to London, in the hopes that children will want to read it to other dogs.

Dogs have long been known to have therapeutic value but more recently, they have been credited with helping children learn to read.

Tony Nevett, Danny’s owner, said: "Dogs are non-judgemental and do not criticise and so help to build self-esteem.

"Danny has an amazing temperament and the children love him. We have been asked to schools around the country and I have had numerous teachers tell me how much of an improvement their children have made with the help of Danny."

He added that illiteracy is still a problem in the UK and Danny Goes to London was written to give children a fun book to read and learn from.

Danny is registered as a Reading, Education and Assistance Dog, as part of a programme that is sponsored by the Kennel Club’s Bark and Read Foundation.