English bull terrier digs up truffles

Monday, 15th October 2012

While it's been widely reported that owners are struggling to feed and care for their animals due to the recession, the extraordinary tale of one English Bull Terrier has shown that keeping your canine could help you strike it rich.

Many dogs get excited at the smell of dog food from a long way off, but Suffolk pet Nellie has done her owners proud by unearthing valuable hordes of black autumn truffles in their back garden.

Janey Auchincloss, 48, and John Perkins, 53, who run a B&B in Lavenham, Suffolk, have benefitted from Nellie's sensitive nose for two years in a row, as the crafty canine has discovered at least £1,000 worth of the delicacy per year.

Black autumn truffles fetch £1 a gram, and the couple have made a lucrative trade selling them at markets and to local businesses. 

'At first we were a bit annoyed that she kept digging up the garden. We could not work out why she was doing it," Ms Auchincloss said.

Thankfully for the owners Nellie is even kind enough not to eat any of the truffles herself.