Dulux dog and Corgi make endangered breeds list

Monday, 29th October 2012

Two iconic dog breeds have been put on the Kennel Club's 'At Watch' list and could face extinction in future.

The Old English Sheepdog, better known as the dog featured in paint brand Dulux's advertising, and the Corgi, long associated as Queen Elizabeth II's canine of choice, have both seen a slump in puppy registrations this year, suggesting they may be vulnerable.

By comparison, 28,787 Labrador Retriever puppies have been registered during 2012 so far, along with 5,496 Pugs and 2,669 Chihuahuas, both of which are enjoying a spike in popularity.

The Kennel Club argues fashion trends may be partly responsible for the decline, as 'handbag' dogs suited to urban life are currently on trend.

"The reason the majority of dogs end up in rescue is because people haven’t researched their breed before they buy. People often go for the most obvious or fashionable dog choice, which isn’t necessarily the right one for them," said Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club secretary.

Owners must ensure their breed of choice receives a suitable type of dog food as well as the accessories it needs to keep it happy and healthy.