Dogs 'must be well hydrated while travelling'

Friday, 16th September 2011

Animal charity Dogs Trust has advised pet owners travelling with their dogs to always ensure that they have a fresh bowl of water to keep their canine companion fully hydrated.

The organisation pointed out that there are many non-spillable bowls available for pet owners to keep dog food and water well contained during their journey.

Pet owners were also urged to research about quarantine regulations when travelling abroad in case their animal has any ailments that require treatment.

In addition, Dogs Trust reminded pet owners to make sure they obtain the latest information about the Pet Passport and Pet Travel Scheme from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

"If your dog is travel sick or does not travel well, seek advice from your vet and only use medication prescribed specifically for your dog by your vet," the charity advised.

Dog owners should always ensure that their dog is safely restrained with a harness, travel crate or well-fitting dog-guard during any journey.