Dog food photos form part of festival

Thursday, 30th June 2011

Photos of dog food are being put up on lampposts in Rodley and Bramley as part of the I Love West Leeds Festival, BBC News Leeds and West Yorkshire reports.

The project is co-funded by the city council and is also being used as an opportunity to remind people to clear up if their pets foul the streets.

Jane Earnshaw, director of the festival, said: "West Leeds is a great area for dog walkers ... the festival is not frightened to have a laugh and the exhibition does carry reminders to clean up after your dog."

Ms Earnshaw said that in addition to the photos of dog food and bones, the exhibition showcases "a lot of serious art".

The organisers state that the pictures have been placed at "appropriate heights" on the lampposts.

A Food for Shelters programme in Illinois is donating dog food to shelter and animal rescue groups in the area, reports.