DNA to damn dirty dogs?

Wednesday, 14th November 2012

Inconsiderate dog owners may be given 'paws' for thought by proposals from one local council, which plans to use DNA testing to trace dog mess back to the canines responsible.

Sundridge and Ide Hill Parish Council in Kent is discussing a plan to collect DNA from dog waste and use it to identify owners and prosecute them.

The action is being considered following a spate of complaints from villagers about excrement ruining the local environment.

If the proposal reaches fruition it will mark the first time DNA tracking has been used in the UK in this way – Germany and the USA have previously used such a system.

"Notices regarding fining owners should be renewed and that the dog warden should make regular visits to the area," the council stated.

"If this still remains a problem [we will look into the possibility of taking] DNA from the poo and tracing it back to the dog and its owner."

Dog lovers can ensure they avoid a sticky situation for both them and their neighbours by using poop bags and scoop products, such as the Pedigree Exelpet Easi Scoop.