Allergy pooch looking for new home to eat dog food in

Tuesday, 22nd March 2011

A dog with severe allergies is currently looking for a new home in which to eat dog food and be taken care of.

However, the new owners of Staffordshire Bull Terrier Guiness will have to buy him vegetarian dog food, as the six-year-old is allergic to meat.

Guiness is currently living at the Blue Cross animal charity in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire and staff say they have never seen a dog with such bad allergies.

As well as being vegetarian, Guiness has a severe case of hayfever.

When he comes into contact with grass he has trouble breathing and breaks out in a painful rash. His symptoms are so bad that even pet medication does not work.

Blue Cross manager Neil Edwards has never seen such severe allergies before: "It's really tough for him. Just imagine being a dog but not being able to run across fields or play catch in the park.

"I'm sure if someone gave him a chance, they would fall in love with him."

The animal charity has said that they will cover any of the necessary vet bills to cover his allergies if someone is willing to give Guiness a new home.