Women take fight over pet cat to court

Thursday, 13th October 2011

Two women who are unable to decide who gets to feed cat food to an animal have taken their dispute to court.

Della Macdonald and Nicola Dempster both claim the cat is theirs. Ms Macdonald claims the cat turned up at her house starving so took the cat in and it stayed there for six months before going missing again.

However, Ms Dempser claims her cat went missing and she spent a great deal of time searching for the animal to no avail, but it then turned up again six months later.

Ms Dempser then wrote a post on Facebook thanking whoever had looked after her cat during this time and Ms Macdonald turned up at her house asking for the animal back, but Ms Dempser refused saying she bought the cat in September last year.

Ms Macdonald said: "This case is not about money. I am probably entitled to money for feeding Oscar and for vet's bills for the six months we had him here.

"But I just want the adorable cat which we raised back in our lives."

The case is due to be heard at Stornoway Sheriff Court next month (November).