Weigh pets to help shed the pounds

Thursday, 12th April 2012

The obesity epidemic isn't just targeting humans, with a growing number of dogs and cats on pet medication as a result of being overweight.

With the situation ever-worsening, it is the responsibility of owners to make sure that their pets maintain a healthy weight.

This involves giving them the right sort of pet food in appropriate portion sizes, but also giving them plenty of exercise.

And according to veterinary journalist Pete Wedderburn, the first thing to do is get your pet properly weighed by a vet at their annual checkup.

"The reason for that is that it forms a benchmark that allows future weight changes to be marked against.

"Also, vets would be in a position where they see lots of cats, and would be able to tell you that your cat is fine, or that your cat has a problem. From that they'll be able to give you advice on how to deal with that."