Pampered cat allowed to eat at the dinner table

Tuesday, 13th December 2011

One of the country’s most pampered pets is allowed to eat its cat food at the family dinner table.

Chris is a 15-year-old cat owned by Dawn Ratcliffe, who told the that she has always been a cat lover [comma] as the animals provide a lot of comfort and make you feel better.

She revealed that Chris is very much part of the family, especially when it comes to Christmas.

“All greeting cards are signed from Chris whether it is a paw print or some of his fur stuck to the cards,” she told the news provider.

“He also sends birthday presents and gifts throughout the year and at Christmas we often joke how he’s had a very busy shopping trip this year!”

Research by the Mental Health Foundation recently revealed that 87 per cent of cat owners think their pet has a positive impact on their mental wellbeing.

It showed 76 per cent think they cope with everyday life better because of their pet.