Man proposes to cat-loving girlfriend in rescue centre

Wednesday, 21st December 2011

A love-struck man from Hampshire invested in cat food and an engagement ring after deciding to propose to his girlfriend in a rescue centre.

Steve Tickner, an IT consultant, surprised his girlfriend Emma Parkinson with a visit to the National Cat Adoption Centre,

With the help of Cats Protection, he took cat-lover Ms Parkinson to the centre and got down on one knee in front of 200 cats.

He told the news provider: "I’d been thinking for a while about proposing, and as Emma is such a cat lover I thought it would be great to combine the two.”

Mr Tickner also adopted a black cat called Soloman, which Ms Parkinson had wanted to get for years.

“Cats Protection staff were terrific and helped choose the perfect cat. When I met Soloman I just knew Emma would fall in love with him.”

The bride-to-be added that she was “over the moon”, adding that Soloman is very affectionate and that she could not ask for a better pet.