London kitty a super slimmer of the pet world

Thursday, 7th July 2011

A kitty from London managed to stick to healthy diet of cat food and has taken up exercise to complete an animal charity's slimming competition.

The PDSA's annual competition, named the national Pet Fit Club, has named Percy, a porky puss from Lewisham, one of its winners.

Percy had managed to shed 16 per cent of his bodyweight - going from 9.85kg down to 8.25kg.

Speaking after Percy's final weigh-in, owner Rebecca Hougham said: "I'm so thrilled at how well Percy has done in Pet Fit Club.

"It took him a while to get used to the diet, and he still begs for extras or treats now and again - usually in the middle of the night - but I'm strict and have stuck to his diet because I know it’s doing him good."

She added that the competition has been a positive change for Percy both physically and emotionally, as he is now taking an interest in toys and is able to run and jump more than ever.