Kitten rescued from Aberdeenshire field

Friday, 1st June 2012

A kitten is on the road to recovery after being abandoned in a field in Aberdeenshire.

The ginger and white kitten, who is believed to be just under a year old, was taken to the Scottish SPCA and given water and cat food to get her back to good health.

It is though that Molly had been left alone for days before she was noticed by a member of the public, who had noticed a box on May 28th.

Whoever abandoned the kitten, who has been named Molly, had left food and water but this had run out and she was found in a weak and frightened condition.

Alison Simpson, senior inspector, said: "Molly is very lethargic and clearly underweight. She was also dehydrated when she was found but seems a lot brighter after receiving the care she desperately needed.

"We are appealing to the public in the hope someone will come forward to help us identify who put Molly through this ordeal."

Abandoning animals is an offence and anyone found guilty can expect to be banned from keeping pets for a fixed period or life.