Feline Angry: Miscreant cat receives pet ASBO

Friday, 9th November 2012

A cat that has frequently terrorised the residents in a Buckinghamshire village has been put under house arrest to curb his antisocial behaviour.

Oscar, who formerly starred in an IKEA advert, has wreaked havoc in Wingrave, fighting dogs and even hospitalising a 77-year-old man.

Owner Caroline Hughes is now planning to use herbal therapy to calm his nerves, and will keep him indoors to prevent further incidents.

Oscar is a five-year-old Turkish van cat, and has even been dubbed the 'Lion Cat of Wingrave' for his fearsome behaviour.

"I’ve never understood why he’s like he is. He’s friendly and adorable at home," said Ms Hughes, 36.

Millions of pets are more aggressive, overweight and misunderstood due to a lack of welfare knowledge among owners, according to a new report from the PDSA.