Cat delivers a knockout blow

Thursday, 7th April 2011

A kitty from Japan may well have enjoyed a victory meal of cat food after delivering a knockout blow to its dog companion.

The cat, who has been nicknamed Tyson, was filmed by his owners giving the dog a bunch of fives, after which they posted the film on video sharing platform YouTube.

During the 25 second clip, viewers see the pooch trying to instigate play with the kitty.

To tell the dog it is not interested, Tyson delivers a few small warnings by tapping it on the head.

However, the taunting continues, so Tyson delivers a blow that sends the pooch flying (in what seems like slow motion) into a heap on the floor.

Since it was added, the film has been viewed almost 36,800 times.

It may not come as a surprise to the owners of these two four-legged friends that pets make people happy.

Research by the Pet Food Manufacturing Association has found that four in five people think a pet is the cure to a bad mood, even if they don't own one themselves.