

The Pug originates from...

Much debate surrounds the ancestry and origin of the Pug, with some attributing its early development to the Shang Dynasty of China around 400 BCE, and others suggesting a much later evolution, believing that Portugese traders brought the Pug to Holland during the 16th century. Paintings from the early 18th century depict these dogs alongside the wealthy and elite, with William Hogarth, a famous English painter, featuring his Pug 'Trump' in many of his portraits. Made popular during the Victorian period, the Pug was commonly observed atop private carriages, sat alongside the coachman. As a breed it boasted many notable admirers including Napoleon's wife, Josephine, Queen Victoria, and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Officially registered by the American Kennel Club in 1885.

The Pug is characterised by...

A compact dog of reduced proportions, the breed boasts several distinctive features, including a broad, flat and pronounced muzzle, prominent eyes, low-set, triangular ears and a short tail, arching over the back. Further characteristic to the breed is its deep facial wrinkles, which require careful attention. The coat is typically short and loose-fitting, common in colour variations of cream, apricot, fawn, silver and black, usually with piebald or spotted markings. Thought to be a descendent of the short-haired Pekingese, the breed falls within the Kennel Club's 'toy' branch of canines. A favoured breed choice of the rich and famous, being highly valued as a low maintenance, companionable lap dog.

The average Pug...

Possessing a gentle and amiable temperament, never displaying signs of being unduly nervous or aggressive, the Pug is a suitable and delightful breed choice for families or a dedicated sole owner. Contrary to popular belief, the Pug is not impossible to house train, but simply benefits from consistent training, early socialisation, and firm but fair leadership in order to achieve its pleasing potential. Animated and spirited, a Pug is guaranteed to liven up any home setting. The average weight of a healthy Pug is between 6-9 kg, with a life expectancy of 12-15 years. It is not uncommon for a Pug to outlive this expectancy.


Various health conditions have been identified in the breed, which are important to bear in mind. These range from mild allergies and easy weight gain, to more serious cases of breathing difficulty, optical disorders, and spinal defects. Other afflictions commonly observed in the Pug include mast-cell tumours, liver defects and orthopedic problems affecting the legs and hips. A condition known as PDA, or Pug Dog Encephalitis, is prevalent in the breed and causes potentially fatal inflammation of the brain.

Our Pug owners have uploaded 386 photos

Our Pug owners' thoughts

Added on 23/03/2016
Joined 06/09/2014
From Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Bailey is so friendly and loving to anyone. I think she thinks she is human too, loves to join in whatever you are doing she is so nosey haha . She alwasys makes us smile and cheers you up after a stressful day. She loves a bath and has her own paddling pool in the summer to keep her cool xx

Added on 19/05/2017
Joined 06/06/2016
From United Kingdom

Bertie is so loving and adorable so many people say Pugs are lazy but not Bertie he loves his walks and playing with his friends but doesn't like anyone else near is girlfriend Lucy who is a Beagle. He is so funny and loves everyone who comes to the door and loves children. The only downside of owning a pug is they shed like mad but there loving ways makes you forget that after all what's a bit of hoovering when they give you so much love.

Added on 16/10/2017
Joined 16/10/2017
From Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Hugo is our first pug and I now love them. He is funny, he loves to steal socks but only if you then chase him. Very much a lap dog. Very good on walks. And yes a lot of dog hair for a small dog

Added on 12/04/2018
Joined 09/04/2017
From Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

We have got 3 generations of pugs: the oldest being 10.5 years of age, 2 brothers - 9 years old, and the youngest - 2.5 years old. They are very much people's dogs: they love company, love following you around, love participating in everything. So it is better if there are at least 2 of them to keep company to each other while their human Mum and Dad are away (preferably not for too long). Their big beautiful eyes require special care: I had to get rid of all plants with thorns in the garden, but we have been to the vet on quite a few occasions over the years. The key thing is to seek professional help immediately, then even a bad scratch will not lead to an eye loss. At the age of 9 the older pug developed a curved spine that affects his back legs, however hydrotheraphy has proven to be quite helpful to keep his muscles in a relatively good shape. Pugs do not require long walks, but short (20 minutes or so) regular walks will be very beneficial, we take them 4 times a day. When the weather is cool , they are very happy to go for a longer walk (about an hour or so, just walking with lots of stopping and sniffing), but in summer or on very warm days we only take them for a walk early in the morning and in the evening, and during the day they just go to the garden. They are champions when it comes to sleeping, they won't fetch things and they are not for joggers. For us, they are the best.

Added on 02/05/2018
Joined 20/09/2014
From West Midlands, United Kingdom

I own Lola & Biggie Boo - chalk & cheese. Lola was a real fruit & Nut before I found Biggie Boo. They are inseparable and Biggie Boo has really given Lola confidence. As predicted by moir, at the age of six
Lola is just about calm enough to learn obedience and tricks. Lola would be horrendous for an elderly person. Biggie Boo would be wonderful. People describe Lola as a fire cracker and sadly, Biggie Boo as the lights on but no one is in. Both are extremely loving and have been amazing with our new kitten who has attached herself firmly to LollyPop and enjoys a ride on her back every morning. I would advise get a Pug only if you’re prepared to have a quite naughty and mischievous dog!! Lola used to bite my bum when she got excited - a definite no no for the some. You also need a lot of patience

Added on 25/10/2018
Joined 25/10/2018
From Lancashire, United Kingdom

my pug alfie wasthe first pug i bought i now have 4 pugs of differant colours i just fell for the breed they are so lovable and friendly bvut tend to grunt a lot well alfie dos i love him to bits

Added on 03/11/2018
Joined 03/11/2018
From West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

We have 2 pugs and absolutely adore them. Never owned a dog before but these two have changed me into a complete animal lover.
Downside hairs everywhere and greedy as!
Upside plenty of love, laughter and never ignored.
I would completely advise getting this breed however anyone considering must be responsible. We weigh out all food as they would eat anything and everything we keep an eye on their weight and feed raw food to prevent leaky gut.
Love this breed

Added on 08/01/2020
Joined 07/01/2020
From South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

I have 2 pugs, the oldest Poppy is a total lap dog she loves nothing more than to be on my knee.
Penny on the other hand is crazy and wild, she's only 19months old but bless her she's hard work. Training her is a nightmare no matter how many times I talk her out or how much time she spends in the garden she will always come into the house to have a wee.
They play well together, but sometimes Poppy just likes to rest, Penny is constantly on the go. Once she's awake she makes sure I get up.
I love them both to bits and can't imagine life without either of them.

Added on 14/04/2020
Joined 14/04/2020
From Berkshire, United Kingdom

DOUGIE is a beautiful friendly boy has such a wonderful nature and highly recommend as a pet. Great with children .... but very stubborn.... don’t worry they will train you in a couple of months.