Loxicom Solution for Injection

Loxicom Solution for Injection
Dogs & Cats » 5mg/ml » 10ml Bottle
Dogs & Cats » 5mg/ml » 20ml Bottle
LA 20mg/ml » 50ml Bottle
LA 20mg/ml » 100ml Bottle
LA 20mg/ml » 250ml Bottle

Images are for illustration purposes only. Packaging may change from time to time and images on our website may or may not be updated.

  • Dogs & Cats » 5mg/ml » 10ml Bottle £55.73
  • Dogs & Cats » 5mg/ml » 20ml Bottle £104.85
  • LA 20mg/ml » 50ml Bottle £64.61
  • LA 20mg/ml » 100ml Bottle £124.24
  • LA 20mg/ml » 250ml Bottle £266.46

Selection of 5 products from

£55.73 to £266.46


Loxicom Injection For Dogs And Cats

Loxicom Injection for dogs and cats contains 5mg of meloxicam to alleviate inflammation and pain in both acute and chronic musculo-skeletal disorders and reduction of post-operative pain and inflammation following orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery in dogs, and reduction of post-operative pain after ovariohysterectomy and minor soft tissue surgery in cats.

Each ml contains: Active Substance: Meloxicam 5 mg Excipients: Ethanol, anhydrous 150 mg

Pale yellow solution for injection.

Dogs: Alleviation of inflammation and pain in both acute and chronic musculo-skeletal disorders. Reduction of post-operative pain and inflammation following orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery.

Cats: Reduction of post-operative pain after ovariohysterectomy and minor soft tissue surgery.

Dogs: Musculo-skeletal disorders: Single subcutaneous injection at a dosage of 0.2 mg meloxicam/kg bodyweight (i.e. 0.4 ml/10 kg bodyweight). Loxicom 1.5 mg/ml oral suspension and Loxicom 0.5 mg/ml oral suspension may be used for continuation of treatment at a dosage of 0.1 mg meloxicam/kg bodyweight, 24 hours after administration of the injection. Reduction of post-operative pain (over a period of 24 hours): Single intravenous or subcutaneous injection at a dosage of 0.2 mg meloxicam/kg bodyweight (i.e. 0.4 ml/10 kg bodyweight) before surgery, for example at the time of induction of anaesthesia.

Cats: Reduction of post-operative pain in cats where no oral follow-up treatment is possible e.g. feral cats: Single subcutaneous injection at a dosage of 0.3 mg meloxicam/kg bodyweight (i.e. 0.06 ml/kg bodyweight) before surgery, for example at the time of induction of anaesthesia. In this case do not use oral follow up treatment. Reduction of post-operative pain in cats when administration of meloxicam is to be continued as an oral follow-up therapy: Single subcutaneous injection at a dosage of 0.2 mg meloxicam/kg body weight (i.e. 0.04 ml/kg body weight) before surgery, for example at the time of induction of anaesthesia. To continue treatment for up to five days, this initial dose may be followed 24 hours later by administration of Loxicom 0.5 mg/ml oral suspension for cats at a dosage of 0.05 mg meloxicam/kg body weight. The oral follow-up dose may be administered for up to a total of four doses at 24 hour intervals.. Particular care should be taken with regard to the accuracy of dosing. A suitably graduated 1 ml syringe should be used for administration of the product to cats. Avoid introduction of contamination during use.

Loxicom LA Injection

Loxicom Injection for cattle, pigs and horses contains 20mg of meloxicam to alleviate inflammation and offer relief of pain in both acute and chronic musculo-skeletal disorders and colic in horses. It will also reduce pain and inflammation in various conditions for cattle and pigs including locomotor disorders and post-operative pain relief for calf dehorning.

Each ml contains: Meloxicam 20 mg

Solution for injection. A yellow solution.

Cattle: For use in acute respiratory infection with appropriate antibiotic therapy to reduce clinical signs in cattle. For use in diarrhoea in combination with oral re-hydration therapy to reduce clinical signs in calves of over one week of age and young, non-lactating cattle. For adjunctive therapy in the treatment of acute mastitis, in combination with antibiotic therapy. For the relief of post-operative pain following dehorning in calves.

Pigs: For use in non-infectious locomotor disorders to reduce the symptoms of lameness and inflammation. For adjunctive therapy in the treatment of puerperal septicaemia and toxaemia (mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome) with appropriate antibiotic therapy.

Horses: For use in the alleviation of inflammation and relief of pain in both acute and chronic musculo-skeletal disorders. For the relief of pain associated with equine colic.

Cattle: Single subcutaneous or intravenous injection at a dosage of 0.5 mg meloxicam/kg body weight (i.e., 2.5 ml/100 kg body weight) in combination with antibiotic therapy or with oral re-hydration therapy, as appropriate. The recommended maximum volume to be administered at a single injection site is 10 ml.

Pigs: Single intramuscular injection at a dosage of 0.4 mg meloxicam/kg body weight (i.e., 2.0 ml/100 kg body weight) in combination with antibiotic therapy, as appropriate. If required, a second administration of meloxicam can be given after 24 hours. The recommended maximum volume to be administered at a single injection site is 2 ml.

Horses: Single intravenous injection as a dosage of 0.6 mg meloxicam/kg body weight (i.e., 3.0 ml/100 kg body weight). For use in the alleviation of inflammation and the relief of pain in both acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders, a suitable oral therapy containing meloxicam, administered in accordance with label recommendations, may be used for continuation of treatment. Avoid introduction of contamination during use. Do not exceed 50 broachings per vial. If more than 50 broachings are required, the use of a draw-off needle is recommended.

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