Johnson's One Dose Wormer for Cats

Johnson's One Dose Wormer for Cats
2 tablets

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  • 2 tablets £7.65


Kills roundworm and tapeworm in one easy dose, for kittens over 6 weeks of age.

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Q & A

Below are some recent questions we've received regarding Johnson's One Dose Wormer for Cats, including answers from our team.

26 April 2022 at 12:31pm

Frequency of dosage

Clare meakin

My adult cat weights 3.5kg so 1 tablet but how often should this be given? Cant seem to find this information thanks clare

  • VioVet Staff

It is advised to repeat routine worming for the average adult cat every 3 months. If your cat is a good hunter then you may want to increase this to monthly dosing during the hunting season.

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