Unlike their canine counterparts, cats are largely independent creatures who appreciate their own space - being territorial is one of the most basic feline instincts.

This is the reason why it can sometimes prove difficult to introduce a new moggy into the home if you've already got a cat living under your roof, and your existing four-legged friend may well see the fresh addition to the household as a threat.

Indeed, the chances are that your current cat will become quite stressed by the introduction of a potential rival, and they may respond in a number of different ways.

Whether it's by being aggressive, hiding away or over-grooming, there are several signs to watch out for that could indicate your moggy isn't happy with the new arrangement.

However, the good news is that there are methods to ensure your feline friend learns to get along with a new cat, and Cats Protection have some sensible advice for anyone thinking of adopting a kitten.

The first thing to remember is that cats like their own space, so your latest four-legged friend should initially be kept in a room that your current moggy doesn't visit too frequently - this will help prevent confrontation and territorial disputes, as well as avoiding competition at the cat food bowl or litter box.

Once your existing cat begins to realise that there's a new feline in the house, the next step is to think about scent association - a technique that involves introducing both cats to the scent of the other.

This can be done through exchanging their bedding, food bowls and toys, and will enable each of your moggies to accept the scent of another cat around the home.

As your feline friends become increasingly used to each other, they should learn to get along and share the same space without any difficulties, although it's important to remember this can take anywhere between a few weeks to a number of months. Using a calming diffuser product such as Feliway Classic, Feliway Optimum or Feliway Friends in the rooms they are going to be interacting will help promote feelings of calm and acceptance. SettleMe Calming Support is also formulated for cats during periods of stress and anxiety and is available as a tablet, capsule and liquid form.

Written by: Visitor