Stolen Chihuahua returned to owners

Monday, 12th March 2012

A Chihuahua that was stolen eight months ago has been returned to her rightful owners following a campaign and a number of appeals.

Pocket was taken from her Old Leake home in July last year. Owner Jodie Carr and her three children were devastated and thought they would not see their pet again, reports

CCTV images showed an unknown man take the dog from outside a shop.

The animal was found last month tied to a lamp post in an area of Lincoln. She was picked up by a dog warden and because she had been microchipped, Pocket was reunited with her family.

Ms Carr told the news provider: “I didn’t believe it when I heard they had found her and just thought it was probably a different dog.

“We are so relieved to get her back, and it is like she has never been away.”

She added that Pocket would not have been returned if she had not been microchipped and recommended other owners get their pet chipped.