Food firm develop ice cream for dogs

Wednesday, 7th March 2012

If you ever think your pet may enjoy a desert after their dinner of dog food, you may be in luck as a company has created ice cream for dogs.

The Kent-based firm Taywell Ice Creams has developed two flavours: strawberry and apple or apple, banana and carrot.

Marie Sawle, a nutritionist and dog lover, created the ice cream with the firm after seeing a gap in the market. The sweet treat is named Billy+Margot, after Ms Sawle’s own dogs.

Alastair Jessel, managing director of Taywell Ice Creams, said: "Although a typical first reaction to Billy+Margot might be to chuckle, in fact we see this as a very serious business opportunity for retailers of all kinds.

"Giving your much-loved pet a well-deserved treat is one of life's pleasures, and in the case of Billy+Margot you'll be giving them something wholesome and nutritious as well as delicious."

He added that the company has high hopes for the ice cream, which contains no milk as this can be harmful to dogs.