VioVet Blog - Horses

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  • A vet view of Equine Cushing's Disease Image

    A vet view of Equine Cushing's Disease

    16 June 2021 (Last Updated: 28 June 2021) - by in Horses

    Equine Cushing’s Disease is also known as Pars Pituitary Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID). This means that the inhibitory function of the pituitary gland at the base of the brain is lost resulting in excess production of the normal hormones. This is shown by raised ACTH which circulates in the blood to the adrenal glands and causes excess cortis...

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  • A vet guide to laminitis Image

    A vet guide to laminitis

    10 May 2021 (Last Updated: 9 May 2024) - by in Horses

    As the weather warms up and the spring grass is growing laminitis is a serious concern for many horse, pony and donkey owners at this time of year. What is laminitis? Laminitis is essentially inflammation of the laminae in the foot that interlock to suspend the pedal bone in the hoof capsule. This inflammation causes damage to the laminae leading t...

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  • Horse Laminitis Image

    Horse Laminitis

    26 April 2021 (Last Updated: 26 April 2021) - by Audevard (Guest Author) in Horses

    The word laminitis is dreaded by riders around the world. It occurs much more frequently than you might think - about half of all cases are missed because the condition is not obvious to detect. However, it is a crippling condition for your horse and can eventually be fatal. It is estimated that laminitis occurs on average once every ten years of a...

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  • Could your horse have Equine Cushing's Disease? Image

    Could your horse have Equine Cushing's Disease?

    8 December 2020 (Last Updated: 8 January 2021) - by Marcus Bennet MRCVS (Guest Author) in Horses

    Could your horse have Equine Cushing’s disease? Equine Cushing's disease, also known as PPID, is thought to affect 20% of horses over the age of 15, and is the 5th most common disease syndrome recognised in horses and ponies in the UK*. It is a hormonal disease caused by changes in the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brai...

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  • What does a diagnosis of Equine Cushing's Disease mean for your horse? Image

    What does a diagnosis of Equine Cushing's Disease mean for your horse?

    8 December 2020 (Last Updated: 8 January 2021) - by Marcus Bennet MRCVS (Guest Author) in Horses

    What does a diagnosis of Equine Cushing’s disease mean for your horse? Finding out that your horse has or may have a disease is always a worrying time. Rest assured though that a diagnosis of Equine Cushing’s disease does not mean your horse’s quality of life is going to suffer. Equine Cushing’s disease is a common diagnosis...

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  • Why does your horse need a blood test after starting meds for ECD? Image

    Why does your horse need a blood test after starting meds for ECD?

    8 December 2020 (Last Updated: 8 January 2021) - by Marcus Bennet MRCVS (Guest Author) in Horses

    Why does your horse need a blood test 4-6 weeks after starting medication to treat Equine Cushing’s disease? Horses with untreated or uncontrolled Equine Cushing’s disease are at a high risk of developing signs associated with this disease such as laminitis, repeated infections, muscle wastage, lethargy, poor coat quality, and increased...

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  • Why do you need to book regular vet visits for your Cushing's horse? Image

    Why do you need to book regular vet visits for your Cushing's horse?

    8 December 2020 (Last Updated: 8 January 2021) - by Marcus Bennet MRCVS (Guest Author) in Horses

    Read on to find out why it's important to book regular 6-monthly veterinary examinations for your Cushing's horse: Once your horse is stable on treatment and their Equine Cushing’s disease is under control, it is recommended that they are re-examined by their veterinary surgeon every 6 months. This is to ensure that any signs that the disease...

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  • Christmas Horse Care Top Tips Image

    Christmas Horse Care Top Tips

    24 November 2020 (Last Updated: 12 October 2023) - by in Horses

    All horsey folk know that owning horses is not just a hobby but a lifestyle. Horses require care 365 days a year, including over christmas. Whilst Christmas is a time for eating, drinking, spending time with family (and your horse!) we must consider the safest way for them to enjoy the festivities too. Here are my top tips to keep everyone feeling...

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  • Hindgut Health - Why is it so important in horses? Image

    Hindgut Health - Why is it so important in horses?

    5 May 2020 (Last Updated: 5 May 2020) - by MSD (Guest Author) in Horses

    Horses are designed to be trickle feeders, chewing high fibre roughage for the majority of the day. Their digestive systems are adapted to efficiently use this fibre for energy, with 60-70% of a horse’s energy requirements coming from the hindgut. The population of micro-organisms in the hindgut ferment the high fibre roughage to slowly relea...

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  • Spring/Summer Turnout Advice Image

    Spring/Summer Turnout Advice

    29 April 2020 (Last Updated: 30 June 2022) - by in Horses

    Spring/summer is here! The sun is out and our ponies are loving the longer days out in the field, especially the fresh lush spring grass that comes with it. However is this good for them? In fact spring pasture-associated laminitis, obesity and digestive problems are a real issue horse owners need to be aware of. Do not worry though, below is a gui...

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